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In this third book of The MacDonald Family Trilogy—following Five Days in Skye and London Tides—recently widowed Serena McDonald Stewart returns to the Isle of Skye where she grew up to run her family’s guest house. As the grieving single mother of 8-year-old Em and 3-year-old Max, Serena struggles to balance motherhood with the demands of a career, striving always to put her children first yet daily feeling her limitations and failures.

Malcolm Blake, an employee of the guest house, has recently returned to Skye to take care of his niece after the death of her parents.

Serena and Malcolm clash at work, misunderstanding each other and often chafing in each other’s presence. Yet they are attracted to each other. As their relationship develops, Malcolm invites Serena to join him for Sunday morning church services. Serena is confronted with the crisis of faith that has hounded her for a decade and is compelled to search her heart about her relationship with God.

When Serena and Malcolm finally admit they love each other, an unexpected obstacle threatens to derail their relationship forever. Yet they experience God’s providential care.

Author Carla Laureano offers female readers a romance in which the protagonists seek to live with integrity in regard to their sexuality, family commitments, and walk with God. (Tyndale House Publishers)

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