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These first disciples of Jesus shared a message that has lived for centuries in the heart of believers.

When the apostle Andrew met Jesus through John the Baptist, he was immediately captivated by the light of Christ. He couldn’t wait to introduce Jesus to his brother Peter, who then left everything and dedicated his life to following Jesus. These first disciples of Jesus shared a message that has lived for centuries in the heart of believers.

Andrew’s story teaches us the value of sharing our love of Christ with others. Here are some simple suggestions for how to be a light:

  1. Be an encouragement. Each day we have the chance to bring Christ’s light to someone else, such as the cashier who is slow when you are in a hurry, the waitress juggling so many orders, or the people you work with. It’s easy to give a little light and grace, to be patient with the cashier or to tip the waitress well. Doesn’t it make the day brighter when someone says something nice about your efforts? The opportunities to share Christ’s light are endless.
  2. Forgive easily. Sometimes the hardest people to forgive are those closest to us. However, nothing is more healing and shows the light and love of Christ more dramatically than to forgive easily. When the prodigal son came to his father, the father ran to him. His father didn’t scold him or remind him of how he had failed. He immediately called for a celebration. When Jesus met the woman caught in adultery he did not chastise her. He said to her accusers, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Then he told the woman to leave her life of sin. Likewise, when someone comes to us with a sincere apology, our hearts should fill with love, not condemnation. It takes courage to make an apology.
  3. Make your life a prayer. Take time to live the Bible verse “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). Spend quiet time with God. Remember that God is with you always. Talk to God. Pray for the people you see as you drive, those in the ambulance whose siren you hear, and your friends and family. Meditate on the actions of Jesus. Give thanks to God always for great and small blessings. When you live like this, all things become an occasion for prayer.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). Jesus Christ is the light. We are to be like Jesus for the world. Our world is in great need of an outpouring of random acts of kindness, songs of praise and gentle melodies, prayer, and helping hands.

It’s time to let our lights shine.

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