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A number of people around me are switching jobs. How do I know if I ought to be doing the same?

My mother used to tell me that just because other people are doing something doesn’t mean you should do it. Yet we should be curious when unexpected things happen. Jobs, work, and expectations have changed a lot in the past 50 years (and even in the past five!).

When we first start working, switching jobs is fairly normal. A new job can help us develop skills and determine the best fit for our gifts and passions. As we gain experience, there are new opportunities. We might be able to find a position that fits better with our values and passions, provides better hours, pay, and stability, or allows us to better support those we care about. Such opportunities can even feel as if God is opening up doors for us.

Switching jobs may be necessary sometimes. While no job is perfect and work is often “painful toil” (see Gen. 3), there can be signs that our job is harming ourselves and others, such as being constantly angry, overwhelmed, or even depressed. A job that might once have brought us joy or meaning might now no longer give us space for our beliefs and passions, or we might no longer be able to change things that are going wrong. In these situations, we can ask others to join us in praying for strength and wisdom about what to do next.

Some of us love the excitement and challenge of a new job. Others crave stability. Neither is bad in itself, but both require an awareness of how these desires can lead to joy or hardship for the others in our life. We might be lured by the prestige of a job, but others around us recognize that it’s not actually a good fit. Even if we see a new position as a means of getting better pay, is it worth other potential costs, such as more hours, more stress, or even moving? It is helpful to invite people who know you well to help you discern your motivations and what the wiser choice might be.

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