. . . Catch me in my mindless scurrying, Lord,and hold me in this Lenten season:hold my spirit to the beacon of your grace and grant me light enough to walk boldly, to feel passionately, to love aggressively;grant me peace enough to want more, to work for more and to submit to nothing less, and to fear only you . . . only you!Bequeath me not becalmed seas, slack sails and premature benedictions, but breathe into me a torment, storm enough to make within myself and from myself, something . . .something new, something saving, something true,a gladness of heart, a pitch for a song in the storm, a word of praise lived, a gratitude shared, a cross dared, a joy received. . . .
—Ted Loder
From Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder, copyright © 1984 Innisfree Press. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.