After 50 years of ordained ministry in Sri Lanka and U.S. churches, Neville Koch lived two-and-a-half years with Lewy Body Dementia and died Feb. 15, 2023. He was 78.
In Memoriam
Cor Pool, known as a kind and compassionate person who loved sharing the love of Jesus, died Jan. 22. He was 71.
A humble but confident preacher who loved to sing hymns and continued to preach into his mid-80s, Les Van Essen died Jan. 15 at age 87.
A joyful and tenderhearted pastor who served in ministry for more than 40 years, Bert VanAntwerpen died Jan. 10. He was 85.
Friends described retired pastor and professor Sidney DeWaal with words like ‘inspirational leader,’ ‘wise counselor,’ and ‘loving man.’ After living for several years with Alzheimer’s Disease, he died Jan. 1 at age 87.
A heavy equipment operator who retrained as a pastor and returned to truck driving in retirement, Ray Steigenga was sincere and hard-working. He died Jan. 7 at age 77.
In Memoriam: Rev. John Calvin Rickers
1926-2022A ‘kind and humble pastor with a servant heart and a deep love for Jesus and for people,’ John Rickers died Dec. 1, at age 96.
Lloyd Wolters’s heart for sharing the gospel was infused into his every interaction. “Spreading the gospel was his life,” said one of his daughters. He died Oct.7 at age 92.
Whether serving as pastor, missionary, church planter, or ministering in his retirement years, Ramon Borrego lived humbly and practiced hospitality. He died Aug. 31 at age 92.
Serving for 30 years as a chaplain in the U.S. Army, John Hoogland earned the rank of colonel and in retirement served as an associate pastor. He died Sept. 4 at age 88.
A faithful pastor in the Christian Reformed Church for almost 60 years, Ken Havert touched the lives of many people with his genuine kindness. He died August 4 at age 89.
In Memoriam: Rev. John George Van Ryn
1931-2022Patient, humble, kind, and a gracious listener, John Van Ryn was a peacemaker who was able to stay calm in difficult situations. He died July 1 at age 90.
In Memoriam: Rev. James Robert Kok
1931-2022Jim Kok loved being a pastor and touched many lives during his 65 years of ministry. He died July 3 at age 90.
A pastor and minister of outreach, Kwan Yiu Timothy Chan was tenacious in his service to people and to God. He died June 8 at age 71.
Known for his authenticity and passion for justice, pastor and missionary Gerald Hogeterp died June 16 at age 80.
A pastor and chaplain who had a passion for meeting people and spreading the gospel, John Van Hemert died May 26 at age 85.
John Malestein, a distinguished Calvin Theological Seminary alumnus, “lifted up Jesus Christ in everything.” He died May 31 at age 98.
With a church-planting ministry in Japan, Mike De Berdt worked more than anything to point others to Jesus. He died May 14, at age 91.
A pastor and servant-leader, Fred VanderBerg was kind, thoughtful and gentle with a unique sense of humor. He died May 3, at age 69.
Compassionate and caring, with an insatiable love for learning, pastor and chaplain Jim Molenbeek died April 20. He was 73.
A pastor and chaplain compelled by Christ’s call to reach out to “the least of these,” John de Vries died April 11, age 77.
A faithful man of God, David Zylstra pastored for 43 years in five Christian Reformed congregations. He died March 24, aged 73.
‘Faithful to God and to his calling,’ Joseph Brinks, a pastor who loved to teach and preach, died March 8.
A beloved professor of religion and theology who used his actions to speak louder than his words, Dave Holwerda died March 10, aged 89.