Reformed Bible College in Grand Rapids, Mich., has been renamed Kuyper College, in honor of the late Dutch theologian and politician Abra
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion News Service. Send news tips to
Several Christian Reformed development workers were on the front lines of Haiti’s recent presidential election, serving as monitors
Discord looms over digital music use in worship.
Worship, fellowship, and . . . blood pressure checks?
Bear stories, pheasant hunting, skeet shooting, eating fish and game . . . adventure is in the air at Caledonia ( Mich.
A congregation in Ancaster, Ontario, has put its money where its talk is when it comes to environmental stewardship.
John and Grace Karsten are the volunteer coordinators for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in Alberta and British Columbia.
Entering Ordained Ministry
Entry into ordained ministry in the Christian Reformed Church is governed by Church Order Article 6
A Christian high school student from Cutlerville, Mich., has been named Mr. Basketball 2006.
As the Christian Reformed Church continues to move away from its traditionally Dutch roots, two traditions are coming to an end in weste
In October 2003, what became known as the “Cedar Fire” roared through the mountains of southern California, destroying 3,500
Rev. Gerard (Jerry) Dykstra is the nominee for executive director of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
Leaders of the Christian Reformed Church on both sides of the border have been writing to their governments in recent weeks.
News from Classis Meetings
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to classis, a regiona
Tithing isn’t just personal for this Holland, Mich., congregation.
Child safety is such a high priority for churches that a recent workshop promoting child-safety policies filled to capacity, forcing the
From Community Christian Reformed Church, Kitchener, Ontario, to Rev. Darren Roorda of Bellevue (Wash.) CRC.
Rev. Calvin Bremer’s suspension from the ministry has been lifted, less than six months after it was imposed.
How much does a church owe to a person abused by one of its leaders?
1916 –2005
1926 - 2006
1922 - 2006
1918 - 2005
For survivors of Hurricane Katrina, storing salvaged belongings presents a big challenge.