Is Jesus’ admonition “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matt. 7:12) an example of moral relativism?
We are constantly told that voting is our civic duty. Is this true? And if voting is a civic duty, is it also a moral duty?
Skepticism regarding human nature is certainly warranted, and even wise.
When someone needs help, is praying for them enough? Or should Christians do more to directly help?
A distinction between homosexuality as an orientation and homosexualism as explicit and overt homosexual practice is central to this position.
Should Christians support Israel no matter what it does to the Palestinians?
What is cultural appropriation? Why is it wrong? How do we avoid it?
Why do some Christians who are generally opposed to abortion allow for abortion in the case of pregnancy due to rape? Isn’t that a double standard?
We know from Scripture that Christians are commanded to forgive. But is it always required, even in situations of abuse or violence?
If a loved one invites me to their same-sex wedding, can I show love by attending the wedding or would attending communicate that I agree with same-sex marriage?
In Matthew 5, Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies. So why does the CRC allow its members to go to war?
This question usually arises when we consider using undesirable actions or approaches to work toward noble or legitimate ends.
We know that it’s wrong to physically harm people. But is it ever right to hurt people’s feelings for the sake of God’s truth? For instance, Jesus called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers.”
Idolatry is indeed a threat—a temptation that Christians ought to resist through the Spirit’s leading.
I work for a large corporation. Recently I received a bonus in my paycheck. Though I could really use the money, I think it might have been given by mistake. Do I have an obligation to say anything?
There are some important guiding Reformed principles that could lead us to more convergence.
We must first remember that what is done with the bodies of Christians doesn’t decide their everlasting destiny.
Should Christians receive a vaccine that uses aborted fetal cells in its production?
U.S. law generally allows for the ownership of firearms for purposes of self-defense (much less so in Canada). Whether we as Christians should exercise that right is a harder question.
It was recently reported that a very prominent billionaire paid only $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. Is it right for Christians to try to reduce their tax burden to a bare minimum?
Race is a product of racism.
When faced with important decisions, it’s good practice to think of all the relevant factors involved and then decide if there are any non-negotiable factors.
Governments in the U.S. and Canada are offering grants and financial support for businesses and charities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. How should churches respond?
Moral virtue is at once something that God produces in us and at the same time something we need to work at. Moral character, in other words, is a work in progress.