We just got back from another date. This time it was longer and more involved, but we also gave each other plenty of room for time apart.
The View from Here
While the church is shrinking in North America, globally the church is growing. This has shifted how we approach and carry out global ministry.
There is a rule that ministers should not tell stories about their children from the pulpit—
I didn’t see it coming, but in hindsight I’m amazed at the opportunities God provides. Let me explain.
I don’t recall the first time I heard this African proverb, but I often need its reminder.
“I have come to realize that the health of an institution is more about relationships than it is about governance or structure.”
As we move forward into another new year, I think of God’s promises as being something like handrails: they provide a sense of security, giving us something to hold onto...
Our youngest two children were 11 and 15 when we adopted them
When, during my high school years, I went to a stage production of the musical Godspell, one song in particular struck a chord with me. “On the Willows” was a haunting tune based on Psalm 137:1-4.
I remember witnessing door-to-door as part of my congregation’s youth group in the 1970s.
While the memories of my high school and college years become more blurred as the years go by, I’m amazed at the things I recall clearly.
I doubt God has a favorite nation when it comes time to cheer at the Olympics.
Two, four, six, eight—who do we appreciate?
Regular readers will know this as the part of The Banner that serves as a platform for leaders of our denomination to share their thoughts and views.
“The sounds and sights of that day in September will linger a long time.”
Truthfully, there were times during synod when our words and actions suggested we are the church divided. “Us” and “them” language popped up often.