Criteria for being on the list include filing for or receiving a religious exemption under Title IX, a civil rights in education law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.
Church Worldwide
Responses of more than 100 Christian ministry leaders in the U.S. are captured in a new report. Other pastors shared their experiences of pandemic ministry in a Sept. 1 webinar timed with the report’s release.
Queen Elizabeth II, who died Sept. 8, bore the title Supreme Governor of Britain's established church. While her bishops managed the church’s affairs, she often spoke about her faith, explaining how it provided the framework of her life.
The association’s report “Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Environment” lays out the biblical basis for environmental activism.
Leaders of Toronto, Ont.-based The Meeting House call conduct of former pastor Bruxy Cavey sexual abuse, apologize for ‘not using more defined language’ earlier.
Legal action or the threat of it represents a new strategy on behalf of churches that want to join the new Global Methodist Church, a new denomination launched largely over differing beliefs regarding the ordination and marriage of LGBTQ members.
Still leading a weekly online Bible study and participating in the annual meeting of the Christian Community Development Association that he helped to organize decades before, John Perkins continues to mobilize Christian communities.
Having written nearly 40 books across a number of genres: fiction, autobiography, theology, essays, and sermons, Frederick Buechner died Aug. 15.
At its triennial Churchwide Assembly in Columbus, Ohio, the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States reiterated its commitment to develop Native leaders in the church and encourage the return of land.
“You never want justice and equity to be dependent on goodwill,” says Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, long-time disability justice advocate in Washington, D.C.
A July 27 letter from the Orthodox Church of Ukraine to the Ecumenical Patriarch speaks to concerns for the entire global Orthodox Christian community.
In Washington, D.C., members danced and sang to a global selection of hymns and grappled with the power of song to change the world.
An excavation project in its 10th season in an ancient Galilean synagogue at Huqoq uncovered intricate mosaic floor panels dating back nearly 1,600 years.
Pope Francis apologized for 'the ways in which, regrettably, many Christians supported the colonizing mentality.'
The lawsuit comes amid a slow-moving schism in the United Methodist Church largely over the ordination and marriage of its LGBTQ members.
Resolved at a scaled-back General Convention July 8-11, the move comes as U.S. Interior Secretary kicks off a national tour listening to the stories of survivors of American Indian boarding schools in the United States.
Americans are increasingly willing to only support politicians that share their views on abortion, according to a new survey.
The Rev. Oleksiy Zavada, a Greek Catholic priest in Ukraine, discusses funerals, parish life, and ministering amidst war.
The data, which will be available online for free, comprises more than 2,700 requests sent to the Vatican by Jews persecuted by the Nazi regime.
After nearly 50 years, Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, is no more.
At its annual meeting, the Southern Baptist Convention considered expelling Saddleback Church for violating a ban on women pastors. The matter was not settled.
The Meeting House, with locations across Southern Ontario, is attempting to address exposed abuse by former pastors. Lead pastor Bruxy Cavey was charged May 31. Three others have been accused or convicted of sexual crimes.
The governing body of Mennonite Church USA passed resolutions at its May meeting committing to LGBTQ inclusion and repealing instructions to pastors not to officiate at marriages between people of the same sex.
“Initial investigation results show that approximately 50% of federal Indian boarding schools may have received support or involvement from religious institutions.”