That’s what I told my son after he sat me down and told me he wants to become a woman. My son was baptized in the CRC. He attended Sunday school and youth groups and went on mission trips.
Vantage Point
This is an opinion column in which readers share their thoughts about an issue of interest to the church, challenge others, or reflect on something near and dear to their hearts.
I have gone from pulling weeds on Sunday to pruning back unruly shrubs and even, on occasion, to mowing the grass. After church we sometimes join friends for Sunday brunch at a restaurant. I do not wear a WWJD bracelet, but I do wonder how Jesus would react.
What is your church’s brand? What do people in your community think about when they hear your church’s name mentioned? Not too long ago, our entire denomination and every individual congregation were known as the “Dutch church.” We have made great strides in shaking that image. But to no longer be known as something hardly qualifies as a strong brand.
The opportunities and open doors to reach out to those who are “least” are without limit.
Your church’s organ can bridge the gap between young and old and provide an amazing depth and richness not only to the sound, but to the experience.
Revision and reform are closely linked. We call ourselves the Reformed church as if it were past tense and complete. But we should be always reforming, allowing the Spirit to give us new vision and insight to re-vision what the Spirit says to us through Scripture.
What if the ministry of reconciliation is all about listening in such a way that the story of the broken relationship is allowed to rise to the surface, and is seen again, but perhaps in a new light?
Is the Christian Reformed Church so determined to increase its numbers that it’s willing to fit in, make no waves, and offend no one?
What I found very helpful in teaching our young people was to replace the weekly catechism class with monthly Sunday retreats for high school juniors and seniors.
In our culture it is quite fashionable to acknowledge a person’s faith. We’re likely to praise the strong faith that enables people to courageously cope with major challenges. This is true even in primarily secular settings.
I wonder what it might look like to adopt or adapt this model for major congregational (and council) decisions. Vote twice: The first vote determines the will of the majority; the second asks, Can we submit to the will of the majority?
As a lifelong member of the Christian Reformed Church, I grew up hearing two very different narratives.
Offering your pastor a sabbatical is an investment in ministry.
Will anyone want the mantel clock?
I was taught to obey police officers, but they didn’t play a large role in my life.
My earliest memories of Holy Communion are set in a small church in rural Netherlands. In that place and in those times, the pious took the apostle Paul’s injunctions regarding righteous living at face value.
Divorce rocked my world when my spouse left me. Now, as my 30s draw to a close, I’m alone and a single parent—certainly not by choice
The Christian community remains strangely silent about mental health issues.
The school shooting in Parkland, Fla., reminds us of the epidemic of gun violence in the United States.
Some people may wonder what we as Canadian members of the Christian Reformed Church have done that requires reconciliation with Indigenous people.
Like many, for years I thought that God’s blessings included mostly things that he gave, such as happiness, health, and employment,...
When I was a 10-year-old, Psalm 90 was my favorite psalm. I knew it as the hymn “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.”
I appreciate your dedication to bringing the Word every Sunday.
A few years ago my wife and I took a five-week road trip.