If Rev. Wayne Brouwer’s meaty “nutshell” (“Reformation: A Short History,” Oct.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
We cowered at the deafening sound of crippled airplanes
and metal fragments crashing to earth.So what’s caught your funny bone lately?
Nature flicks rarely pierce our souls. But that’s what March of the Penguins did to me.
My teeth were cleaned and flossed, and I was out of the dentist’s chair. No cavities. Good feeling.
Learning to talk is one of life’s great miracles.
Have you heard berries screaming for attention or seen bees tucking themselves into bed lately?
Q. God says, “Do not kill,” but soldiers aretrained to do that.
C. S. Lewis taught many people many things, but he couldn’t teach his own dog to fetch a bone.
This column is devoted to enjoying some of the rich diversity God has blessed us with in the CRC.
Choosing Schools
Regarding the two articles about why parents chose Christian or public schools for their children
My father was a missionary educator whose work influenced government as well as mission schools in what is now Zimbabwe.
When I got home last night my wife demanded that we go out to some place really expensive.
Sigh. A call from a Cadet counselor bugs me.
Also known as “the manse.” I lived in three of them—church-owned housing. What a joy! No taxes to pay. No repairs.
When a bride and groom say wedding vows and sign a marriage certificate, they make their love and commitment to each other official.
Write On!
An astute third-grader once asked me, “Do you ever wonder if life is real?
Q. An article in the March 2005 Banner (p.
Have you ever written a spiritual autobiography? You know, a story about your own faith journey.
Apology Corrected
I read with interest your “Apology Accepted” story in the July 2005 Banner.
Synod 2005 approved a proposal for the orderly exchange of ministers between the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in A
One summer night in the late 1950s, when church was a more serious, formal occasion and the "Reverends" wore black tie and tails when pr
This Banner is heavy on discipleship issues—how we can become more mature followers of Jesus and help others do the same