The psalmist’s invitation to “taste and see that God is good” is foundational to Margaret Feinberg’s exploration of food in various settings. According to Feinberg, “Through these two sensory expressions, we are invited to become more attentive to God and the everyday aromatic, savory, and tactile expressions of his love.”
As Feinberg shared meals with family and friends, she began to suspect that God created food, not just to sustain our bodies as we share meals together, “but to create a place where God could meet us and fill our hearts.”
An avid adventurer, Feinberg’s desire to explore the biblical understanding of human appetites and various foods—both literal foods and those that are metaphorically portrayed in the salvation story—led her on a fascinating global trek and a journey through Scripture. She went fishing in the Sea of Galilee, picked figs at a California farm and baked fresh matzo at Yale University. She also learned about salt in a Utah salt mine, harvested olives in Croatia and studied “the gospel of sustainable meat eating” in Texas.
Through her informative travelogue, Feinberg offers readers an opportunity to grow in their understanding and appreciation of the Bible, the sacredness of gathering for meals, and the marvel of God’s good gift of food. (Zondervan)
About the Author
Sonya VanderVeen Feddema is a freelance writer and a member of Covenant CRC in St. Catharines, Ontario.