Valorie Zonnefeld, a professor of mathematics at Dordt University, in Sioux Center, Iowa, wants students to see mathematics as more than just numbers and equations. She wants them to recognize how math can be a tool for highlighting the beauty and order of creation, serving others and making a positive impact in the world.
Recognizing the challenge many Christian educators face in integrating faith with mathematical instruction, she’s built an online resource, Faith Contexts for Math, launched last year.
"Math is often viewed as a difficult subject to teach from a Christian perspective," said Zonnefeld. But she believes that providing accessible and easy-to-absorb resources will help equip more teachers to integrate faith into their math instruction, ultimately enriching the educational experience for students in Christian settings.
By showing how math plays a role in everything from environmental stewardship to economic justice, Faith Contexts for Math focuses on real-world applications of mathematics within a Christian worldview. “How can mathematics be used to bring restoration?” is one of 18 questions in the High School Statistics and Probability section with three suggested applications: “analyze statistics of under-represented populations; incarceration demographics; poverty and quality of education.”
The site’s content is organized by grade level from kindergarten to high school and includes lesson plans, discussion guides, videos, and interactive materials. Zonnefeld collected the material over years of collaboration with educators, students, and colleagues. In 2016 she presented the body of work at the Heartland Teacher's Conference. From that framework Zonnefeld continued to refine the material, gathering input at conferences and professional development sessions. She said the contributions from practicing teachers and students have been integral in ensuring the content is practical and relevant.
Though the web version of Faith Contexts for Math launched in spring of 2024, new content, reflecting ongoing research and contributions from educators across different fields is still being added. Zonnefeld said her future plans include expanding some resources for different grade levels, offering live webinars with experts in faith-based education, and providing a platform for teachers to share their own experiences and best practices. Zonnefeld attends Covenant CRC in Sioux Center, Iowa.
About the Author
Dan Veeneman is a lifelong learner, avid reader, and enjoys writing almost as much as he enjoys a cup of good coffee. He lives in St. Albert, Alberta with his loving and supportive wife and three pre-teen children. They worship at Sturgeon Valley Baptist Church.