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Vision and Core Values

From 2017 to 2019, we went through a number of visioning and strategic planning processes, resulting in the following vision and values that complement our synodical mandate and guidelines.

These are our ideals that we strive for. We might not always succeed in achieving them. But we believe these are worthy goals for our journalistic ministry.

Editorial Vision

(Our mandate tells us what we are supposed to be and do. Our vision tells us where we hope to go.)

The Banner is the Christian Reformed Church’s primary forum for information, ideas, and fresh insights to equip readers young and old to be biblically rooted ambassadors of Christ’s reconciliation in the world.

Editorial Tone

(Our core values, as highlighted in our hoped-for editorial tone, shape how we get there.)

We seek to have an editorial tone that is clothed in biblical wisdom and marked by humility, grace, and justice.

Guiding Metaphors

(Our guiding metaphors help us, as a team, imagine how we are to serve the denomination.)

The Banner is a ...

  • Fair Forum:
    • forum of diverse CRC voices
    • fearlessly deals with difficult conversations
  • Shalom-Seeker:
    • informs readers and analyzes/contextualizes
    • equips and helps form readers in Reformed faith/identity



For more information on what guides The Banner’s editorial team, check out these links:

For more information about The Banner itself, visit the About Us page or the History page.