It might seem odd for a Christian school community in rural British Columbia to invite a world-renowned speaker
Reportedly, Martin Scorsese has been trying to adapt the book since his first reading more than 25 years ago.
Voskamp weaves stories of her own life with those of Scripture and other personal narratives.
Written in the style of a picaresque novel—novels that “center on a protagonist who is not well born or aristocratic”
Prestonwood Worship, the music arm of Prestonwood Baptist Church in the Dallas area, offers listeners
I know a lot of Christians who are interested in relating with Muslims these days.
On the third Monday of every month, you’ll find a group of knitters
The men and women labeled as “forgotten” who walk Aurora Avenue in Seattle, Wash., facing homelessness or drug addiction,
When an extreme weather advisory threatened people who live on the street,
On the Seabreeze dairy farm in Delta, B.C., nothing goes to waste, including manure
In Memoriam: Rev. Henry (Hank) Zwaanstra
1936-2016A caring, loving, compassionate, sensitive, and committed husband,
He had done it before, after Tucson, Aurora, Fort Hood, and Sandy Hook: taken on the mantle of the pastor-in-chief
The National Council of Churches and several other Christian organizations have released a statement
Regular readers will know this as the part of The Banner that serves as a platform for leaders of our denomination to share their thoughts and views.
During Synod 2016, delegates discussed the Doctrine of Discovery,
Ruth Huizenga, born into a Christian Reformed family, had always seen herself as a good girl
In the early 1960s, all of America looked to NASA as they raced against the Soviet Union to put people into space.
Miroslav Volf, a leading ethicist, takes on the arguments that religion creates more problems than it solves
Audrey Assad first gained national attention with an above-average debut album
A brave, determined woman, Maria Toorpakai Wazir was hounded out of her homeland in northwest Pakistan by the Taliban,
We were first-tier candidates back then, young marrieds, newly-arrived Arizonians.