Hammond CRC hosts weekly parking lot activities instead of running a typical VBS program.
Maple Avenue Ministries in Holland, Mich., holds a community conversation about events in Ferguson, Mo.
A community garden in Hamilton, Ontario provides a multigenerational ministry.
Tacoma church honors long-time member Gert De Kruyf, who suffers from ALS, with the ice bucket challenge at their church picnic.
Family Learning Center hosts a Lego Club for children who are Karen refugees.
Spring Hills day camp brings the gospel and adventure to Coit Community CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich.
First CRC of Thunder Bay, Ontario, connects with teens through video game tournaments.
Isaac Neven and his father Jeff raise more than $10,000 to fight homelessness in Hamilton, Ontario.
In Memoriam: Rev. Roger Timmerman
December 6, 1939 - August 6, 2014U.S. Congress creates a new job at the State Department that is not yet filled.