John Langeland, Don Holwerda, and Harry Beezhold have been volunteering at a thrift shop since it opened in 1999.
The board acts on behalf of synod in between its annual meetings.
Departure from the denomination will cost the church $8.89 million to retain the church property.
Home Missions helps congregations to become more missional communities.
We were created to consume the ancient and whole truth of God.
We need constant reminders of the free gift of God’s salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
God was calling us to complete one more difficult task.
Michael van den Ham competed at the World Cyclo-cross Championship.
Ruth Van’t Land-Parkes was inducted into the Cal Poly Pomona University’s hall of fame for her soccer achievements.
After dealing with fallout from controversial Banner articles last fall, the Board of Trustees adopts a new mandate for the Banner council.
Three Christian Reformed congregations joined seven churches of other denominations in a mass worship service.
Mark Rice, the director of Faith Alive, is moving on after the dissolution of that board.
Grangeville CRC has grown from 18 members to 50 in the past two years.
The “Shot in the Dark” group celebrates showing its 200th independent film in Langley.
The new mandate focuses on broader principles rather than specific activities.
The annual event helps people experience just a hint of the challenges faced by people who live on the street.