Bill Prinzen of Hamilton is sharing the good news, one neighbor at a time.
Bill Vanderkooi’s passion for the environment and healthy food reflects his faith.
Girls in grades 3 through 8 learn that they are created with a voice and a purpose.
The River CRC sees itself as an “incarnational resident” of the vibrant community center.
Calvary CRC hosts a prayer vigil for immigration reform as part of a national movement.
Jonathan Posthuma composed a song for the catechism’s anniversary.
The Race Relations event made its first Canadian stop in Mississauga.
First CRC birthed two daughter churches in 1963.
Five congregations continue a 25-year tradition.
Classis California South gives Sunday meetings a test drive.
We need places to sit and talk things through with each other.
The delicious story of bread.
Reinventing ourselves isn’t the biblical way of being made new.
Churches in Ontario and Wisconsin recently spent Sunday morning serving in the community.
Cold-water surfing helps build confidence in kids.
Professor Peter Mahaffy and his research team from The King’s University College worked with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Calvary CRC in Wyoming cares for the environment while raising cash for a mission trip.
Calvary Christian Reformed Churc