What Emma taught me about God’s gift of beauty.
Several adults with intellectual disabilities travel to the Middle East on the Heart of God tour.
Daryl Meijer takes to the stage in Job’s Blues.
Spring Lake (Mich.) CRC members build furniture for intergenerational WE curriculum event.
Chaplains in Montreal and Vancouver partner with BTGMI to produce a seafarers edition of "Today"
Delegates from across Canada will meet to talk about future of Canadian ministry in the CRC.
First CRC in Crown Point Augments Teen MOPS with accountability system.
A writing project in British Columbia leads to a special evening of stories and songs.
Toronto-area pastors meet monthly for encouragement and fellowship.
British Columbia business leaders reach out at work.
Continued revenue shortfall results in staff reduction.
Henry DeVries will leave the college before Christmas.
We all can agree that God is the Creator.