Synod 2011 approved formal relationships with Reformed churches in both countries.
Synod 2011 decided reports adopted in 1973 and 2002 are sufficient.
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee asked to foster a balanced discussion of the Belhar Confession.
Roman Catholic churches and the CRC recognize each other’s baptisms, agree on a common certificate.
Retirement age for ministers raised to 66, churches to pay more.
An elder from Boot’s church took the floor to second the motion to ratify Boot’s appointment as the denomination’s interim executive director.
Oldest delegate: 81
Youngest delegate: 27
Average age of minister delegates: 51Delegates urged to "press on" in the spirit of Pentecost.
Dress code humor at Synod 2011
Rev. Mark Vermaire reviews the work of a tumultuous and difficult year.
2011 Multiethnic Conference struggles with how to move forward with racial reconciliation.
Rev. Joel Boot gives delegates his assessment.
Other than the Agenda, delegates are working entirely from computers.
Officers have combined experience of 23 synods.
Texas church makes winning video about Synod 2011.
Members of Awake CRC provide open hearts and listening ears.
Three southern California classes hold orientation to prepare delegates for Synod 2011.
Several Grand Rapids churches provide low-cost housing to people willing to serve the local neighborhood.
The River CRC marks a century of ministry in Redlands.
New Hope Ministries offers parenting classes.
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Dad’s big day is coming up! This year, don’t bother with another tie or “#1 Dad” coffee mug.
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Thirteen-year-old Gabriella, a Gentile, loves literature. But the political climate of 1932 Berlin is not conducive to books that