Q. Three of our elders, one of whom was re-baptized as an adult, have indicated opposition to infant baptism.
Big Questions
Our panel of contributors replies to questions from readers on topics like these: ethics, relationships, missional living, faith formation, vocation/calling, digital life, church/Bible/doctrine, and stewardship. Got a question you’d like answered?
Q. Almost 91 percent of the gospel of Mark is found in Matthew and/or Luke.
Q. I love my church, but I’ve lost confidence in the leadership ability of the council (not of the pastor).
Q. What is the ministerial stance on
Q. You said it’s not necessary for a creationist to believe in a young earth (August Banner, p.
Q. God says, “Do not kill,” but soldiers aretrained to do that.
Q. An article in the March 2005 Banner (p.
Q. My pastor talks about spiritual warfare.
Q In our worship services children come to the front for a message that, in many cases, is far above their level of
Q Church pastors show movie clips in the worship service. Everyone gets a good laugh and a little Bible lesson.
We invite your questions about Christian faith as it relates to all aspects of our lives.