Issues some people regard as political are what others regard as core kingdom-of-God issues that must be engaged.
How many categories of members do we have in the CRC? What should councils do about members who disappear?
Does the Christian Reformed Church recommend that when a pastor of long-standing service in her or his congregation retires, that she or he mentor the incoming pastor for a period of time?
A couple in our church is unsure about infant baptism and has asked for their child to be dedicated instead. Is that OK?
Can someone who is divorced and remarried serve as an elder?
You will sense the Holy Spirit’s nudging inside your heart and soul.
Is there a model structure that complies with church order yet allows a smaller group to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the church?
One of the underlying principles of Reformed polity is mutual accountability—that church members and leaders are accountable to each other
Can’t someone make commitments and keep promises to a church without being a member?
There’s a certain spirituality that adorned our council rooms in the past, and that’s what might be oozing away.
The author of Genesis had no intention of giving us a 21st-century, scientifically precise account of how God created all things.
Why didn’t the early Reformers more seriously seek reunion with Eastern Orthodoxy after rejecting the excesses and innovations of Western Catholicism?
What do you consider to be the most humorous passage in Scripture?
Thanks for asking! I'm always grateful for those who find humor important for our health and welfare, including biblical humor. There's a lot of it. But my favorite?Are commissioned pastors allowed to perform the same tasks as ministers, such as administering the sacraments and performing weddings and funerals?
I made profession of faith many years ago as a young teenager, but it was group pressure that made me do it.
In terms of orthodoxy in faith and practice, it seems to me that the Christian Reformed Church has more in common with A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians than with the Reformed Church in America.
You raise an issue that has been wrenchingly difficult for many in our denomination. We still don’t see eye to eye on it.
In this situation your instinct guided you, and I'm very glad you acted on it.
A minister of the Word is to feed the flock, not feed on it.