솔직히 생각해 보면, 우리 대부분은 ‘너희도 갇힌 것같이 갇힌 자를 생각하라’는 교훈을 쉽게 잊고 살아갑니다.
The View from Here
“아직 다 안 왔어요?” 어린 아이들을 뒷좌석에 태우고 운전한 경험이 있으면 한 번쯤 들어봤을 질문입니다. 때로는 한 번이 아니라 계속해서 듣는 질문이지요!
I await the day when my grandchildren see the stone at our home and ask me, “Why did your Trinity colleagues send you off with that verse?”
젊은이들이 그들의 인생과 소명을 준비하는 데에 광범위하면서도 집중적인 교육이 필요합니다.
Broad as well as focused learning is required as young people prepare for their lives and callings.
어떤 사역자들은 여러가지 일을 동시에 다루는 역할을 선호합니다. 그들은 “다른 직업”이 복음 전도를 위한 기회, 즉, 현실 세계와 연결되는 기회 혹은 다양한 은사를 더 잘 활용할 수 있는 기회라고 생각합니다.
Some ministers prefer this dual-focused role; they find their “other job” is an opportunity for evangelism, connecting to the real world, or a better use of their varied set of gifts.
We live in an often confusing, ever shifting, and broken world. We see changes happening dramatically in seemingly accelerated ways. How ought the church to respond?
변화 자체는 총회연구위원회가 언급할 수 있는 것이 아닙니다.
우리 교단의 사역계획 우리의 여정 2020의, 우리가 소망하는 다섯 가지 미래 중 하나는 협력에 초점을 맞춥니다. “우리 교회와 사역들은 모든 사람을 제자 삼으라는 예수님의 명령을 신실하게 완수하기 위해 우리 커뮤니티와 세계 곳곳의 협력자들과 손잡고 함께 일할 것입니다.”
One of the five desired futures expressed in our denominational ministry plan, Our Journey 2020, focuses on collaboration.
확실히 우리 교단의 정체성은 정통 기독교 전통 안에 있습니다.
While the person you meet in the grocery store may not recognize the denominational name “Christian Reformed Church in North America,” you can find common ground by simply saying your church is part of the Christian church.
세상속에서 기독교인의 참여를 인도해 줄 수 있는 믿음의 리더들이 필요합니다.
We need men and women of God who understand the times in which we live and can show us how to give witness to the faith we have in Christ.
하나님은 어떻게 교회와 노회, 그리고 한 교단인 우리를 사용하셔서 제자도를 세우실까요?
Can you imagine an entire church, congregation, or denomination “doing” discipleship?
I don’t actually know any people from the Amish tradition and faith, I do have a perception of them. I picture people wearing old-fashioned clothes and driving a horse and buggy. I think of them as being “set apart” and I also admire their resolve.
That perception makes me wonder how others perceive the Christian Reformed Church.
We celebrate a God whose love became incarnate in a manger 2,000 years ago and who continues to sustain us today as a stream sustains a tree.
Earlier this year, synod encouraged denominational ministries to honor the 400th anniversary of the Synod of Dort, which met between 1618-19 in the city of Dordrecht in the Netherlands.
Those who attended Inspire 2017 were privileged to view a video that showed multiple speakers reciting the Apostles Creed. With each speaker voicing a single phrase, the compiled results provided an amazing testimony of belief, made all the more significant because the speakers were primarily children, teens, and adults with disabilities.
종교의 자유에 대한 제한은 북미에서조차도 점점 현실이 되고 있습니다.
We seek to live faithfully in a hurting, divided, and broken world. It seems, more and more, that being a Christian puts us in a category of being irrelevant, weird, or even hate-mongers.
We just got back from another date. This time it was longer and more involved, but we also gave each other plenty of room for time apart.