My title betrays a typically North American way of thinking and talking. We want to know how something works.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Q: In a previous Banner you said that anyone appointed by a consistory may lead a worship
Has it snowed at your home yet? If you live in the northern United States or in Canada, it probably has.
Alice Sluiter De Boer mows her own lawn, bakes pies, drives herself around her rural town, and attends weekly church activities.
These are the days of darkness in the Northern Hemisphere.
Grief for the Unborn
I was thrilled to finally see an article on the grief of miscarriage (“Losses of the Heart,”
My Spiritual mother, the Christian Reformed Church, turns 150 this year, and I anticipate the thankful celebration.
A pastor was having an awful time with his congregation and eventually decided to pack it in.
Scripture is infallible. my interpretation of it is not. Yours isn’t either.
My father loved to tell the joke about the man who looked in the paper every morning to see if his name was in it.
Mysteries make us curious. We want to know what happened, how, and why. But you say Christmas is not a mystery?
Creation Care
Q: I hate diverting my focus from the joy of Christmas, but I’m troub
GERRY SHUDDERED at the thought. She was facing her first Christmas without her husband.
EXPECTING. We associate this seemingly innocent word with (among a good many other things) pregnancy.
Losses of the Heart
Please convey my sincere thanks to Nathan Sneller for his beautifully honest article “Losses of the Hea
A Sunday school teacher asked his class, “Who was the mother of Jesus?”
“Mary,” a child answered.
HOW ARE YOU? I am fine (better than last month). Is it cold up there at the North Pole? I bet you worry about global warming.
During World War II days, the Andrews Sisters made the Hit Parade with their song “Roll Out the Barrel” (. . .
One fine day God told Moses to build a tabernacle—a house for God. God said, “Just build any old thing, Moses.
I first arrived in the United States in October 1990.
I hate the glitz and the busyness, the worries over spending too much, the cleaning, the hours spent in the kitchen trying to create the
To our great joy, Erin and I were expecting.