What would this have meant to the people who first heard or read it?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
You’ll see that there have been many groups of people who feel this way. It’s just like when I was moved around a lot and then finally grew up in an adopted family.
I look back with amazement at these four decades and find that I am still traveling, living often as a foreigner and stranger.
What happens to all the animals in winter?
Our council sometimes meets all together and sometimes separately with only elders or deacons. How do we know what each group can decide?
How do we know if we have domesticated Scripture to feed our spiritual pride? There are at least three major signs.
I can’t change the fact that at a very young age I learned this behavior of ignoring older women, but I am responsible for how I behave today.
In my work facilitating support groups and assisting in workshops, I have seen the difficulties of caring for a person living with dementia.
These facts are only a few in a long list of social ills, conflicts, and challenges God’s people have faced these past few years.
It can be hard not to know what one ought to do. It feels as if it would be easier if God let us know directly what we ought to do next! But that is not how God usually works.
For many of my Christian friends, peers, and colleagues, “vocation” and “calling” have become hollow words, a varnish smeared over mundane jobs.
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The electricity has to come from somewhere, and power plants emit carbon. Am I really being a better steward buying an electric vehicle than an efficient gas-powered vehicle?
There is something about our nature that hinders us from understanding.
My next-door neighbor and I are both moms in our 30s with kids close in age. I’ve tried to form a friendship with her, but she is not interested even in casually chatting. I am disappointed. What should I do?
We have a way of convincing ourselves that we deserve power, blessing, and a privileged identity because of our relationship with God.
“a prism of leaves drift in cool air / whirling dervishes on their way down”
One of my friends reflected: at the end of our lives, what relationship will we have with our kids and others?
I found that when students spoke about Christianity with people of other belief systems, they often reduced their faith to actions.
Our society’s growing understanding of the significance of community seems to resonate with Scripture and God’s desire for God’s world.
I want this article to focus on the positive, since focusing on the positive can improve a person’s perspective.
For many years, I’ve tried to fit into other congregations, looking to serve as well as be served. I have cerebral palsy, which affects my movement and speech.
We must first remember that what is done with the bodies of Christians doesn’t decide their everlasting destiny.
It’s important to us to share worthy letters with our general readership on the Reply All page.