Drawing on research and experience, Raffety, an able-bodied Christian writing to able-bodied churches, confesses her struggle to repent from ableism in hopes of convincing others to do the same.
At the beginning of the semester, we were all hesitant to speak up, but by the end of the semester everyone was chiming in about what they did or didn’t like.
The Apostles’ Creed says Jesus “descended to hell.”
What’s in a Name?
Complementarianism, Egalitarianism, and the CRC’s Stance on Women’s Ecclesiastical RolesSynod wrestled again and again and again with differing positions on what the Bible says about women. In the end, the CRC’s position cannot be described as either
Every person’s journey toward healing is different. But church communities can have a significant impact on how the trauma from abuse affects a survivor.
There are two ways we can read the Bible: as if it’s a mirror or as if it’s a pair of binoculars.
God himself is beauty, and God creates beautiful things.
If we do not respect the historical, cultural, and linguistic differences between us and Scripture, we are in danger of distorting whatever insights we might get out of it
In order to find the light, we must be willing to enter the darkness.
Author and art collector Forrest Fenn carefully filled a small, ornate box with gold coins, gold nuggets, jewelry, precious gemstones, and other exotic artifacts. Then he hid the box somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.
The gold edge of his white robe brushed the ground as he slowly lit each candle.
God’s love for people who have been marginalized, discarded, and taken advantage of reverberates throughout the Bible.
Once upon a time there was a girl who grew up in a dysfunctional home.
- March 11, 2022| |
We tend to understand our primary options to be either cocooning or combat.
- February 18, 2022| |
What would it look like if Christians received the invitation to be set apart, holy people opened to the transformational thinking of the kingdom of God in experiments of peacemaking?
- February 4, 2022| |
In toxic conflict, the other side becomes unfathomable, strange, alien—dehumanized. Yet the conflict itself is utterly predictable.
We are so covered in mud that we can’t even do something righteous without soiling it.
I found that when students spoke about Christianity with people of other belief systems, they often reduced their faith to actions.
How can you possibly cope when it so regularly feels like you are lost in the dark, and the light on the other side is all but hidden from you?
Kuyper is an essential teacher for a world-engaging Christian discipleship and witness that arises from neither a conservative nor a liberal agenda. Yet his complexity persists because Kuyper was unhelpfully ambiguous on issues of race.
There is enormous pressure in the church today to build a curriculum that is contemporary and to produce young leaders who will draw a crowd.
This was proving to be a memorable afternoon.
Over the past few years, Western societies have been plagued by increasing loneliness.
Adam’s original creation covenant mandate from God of subduing or having dominion over the earth was to do it for God’s glory, not man’s.