CNN has chosen Vatican analyst Delia Gallagher to be the network’s first full-time faith and values correspondent.
Years after listening to Christian radio in his native Morocco, Rashid Hmami can now worship in an official Christian church.
When three Christian Reformed Churches in the Chicago suburbs found their membership declining, they knew it was time to talk.
Three Christian Reformed families opened their homes this summer to give children from Belarus a health respite from their contaminated h
Lakeview Christian Reformed Church in Valentine, Neb., is a small church with a big heart and limited resources for outreach.
City transportation planner Jeremy Klop, 34, is practicing what he preaches after winning a new bicycle from Bicycling Magazine.
At the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, once dubbed “the bloodiest prison in America,” the good guys are taking over.
Fifteen students from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., helped stage a three-day vigil of prayer, fasting, and advocacy in New York Ci
In September a synodical committee found that the leaders of First Christian Reformed Church in Toronto were acting outside the guideline
Two Christian Reformed scientists recently collaborated on a NASA space project known as Deep Impact, though they didn’t know it at
On Sept. 23, the chapel service at Holland (Mich.) Christian High School brought Hurricane Katrina into sharp focus.
While sitting on the rooftop of his flooded home in Biloxi, Miss., Taun Anh Le saw a large board floating by.
Dan Vandersteen was thankful to be home after working for two weeks in Louisana following hurricane Katrina.
Ontario (Calif.) Christian School expelled a ninth-grade student in September when the administration learned her mother was living with
Calls Accepted
Rev. Bruce Vaandrager of Morrison (Ill.) Christian Reformed Church to Ada (Mich.) CRC.If Rev. Wayne Brouwer’s meaty “nutshell” (“Reformation: A Short History,” Oct.
We cowered at the deafening sound of crippled airplanes
and metal fragments crashing to earth.So what’s caught your funny bone lately?
Nature flicks rarely pierce our souls. But that’s what March of the Penguins did to me.
My teeth were cleaned and flossed, and I was out of the dentist’s chair. No cavities. Good feeling.
Learning to talk is one of life’s great miracles.
Before I Bought it, my car was in a bad accident. The story goes like this: One day a young couple near Chicago ordered a new vehicle.
Rancher John Lockwood and his Internet-savvy friend John Underwood thought they had a really bright idea: offer hunters a chance to hunt
Have you heard berries screaming for attention or seen bees tucking themselves into bed lately?