Providence Christian College opened its doors this fall in Ontario, Calif., to 21 students, three professors, and 17 adjunct professors.
Less than 30 hours after her baptism at the Three Rivers (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church, Tina Mae Nichols was killed by a stray bullet
A weeklong mission trip to Rehoboth, N.
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is on track to deliver a $5 million response to Hurricane Katrina.
Quite a few sick listed in the bulletin this morning. I’ll say a prayer for each one.
For thousands of years, people all over the world have celebrated harvesttime.
You’ve heard (or asked) the question a thousand times in a thousand forms: Is something good, or is it bad?
Editor’s note: From June 25 to Sept.
In about 15 hours I’ll board a plane in Grand Rapids, Mich.—the start of a long journey to Seoul, South Korea.
If you could have one wish granted, what would it be? To play baseball with the New York Yankees?
Q. You said it’s not necessary for a creationist to believe in a young earth (August Banner, p.
If you have a child who’s obsessed with velociraptors and pterodactyls, one fine day he or she will ask you, “Why doesn&rsquo
Beginning this fall, most students entering Calvin Theological Seminary will take a new course called “Theological Education as For
The Back to God Hour’s Portuguese-language television program “Gente que Cre” (“People Who Believe”) has a
Some 250 people, including visitors from as far away as China, attended the fifth biennial Korean Small Group/Coffee Break Conference in
The sun beat down as people huddled around the windows and doors of a crowded Nigerian church.
I had never been to Hiroshima—a place with a history of pain and suffering.
With a resounding “Yes!” pastors from 10 churches and four denominations in Oostburg, Wis., took on a huge challenge.
Tsunamis wipe out entire villages. Hurricanes cut a swath of death and destruction. Floods wash away the possessions of a lifetime.
The need to gather with others is part of living in community.
In Leo Tolstoy’s short novelThe Death of Ivan Ilych, a godless, self-centered man struggles through a long and painful dea
A few years ago I was driving along, daydreaming and only half listening to Garrison Keillor’s “Writer’s Almanac”
Three Indonesian women who ran a Christian Sunday school program were convicted and sentenced Sept.
The government of Ontario said in September it would not permit the use of private Islamic tribunals to settle family disputes between Mu