Natalie Layne invites listeners to sing, dance, and feel good in her debut album, “All Joy.” “I believe the enemy has been trying to steal joy from people, and I just want these songs to be a shot of joy,” Layne said in a release. “I picture these songs being played in the car in the school drop-off line or in the kitchen when families are making dinner. I think we need joyful songs to get us through the day sometimes, and God’s given me a lot of permission to go for the happy songs.” This record offers a mixture of piano, pop, jazz, and funk. It’s generally bouncy but has reflective moments too. “Fragile” is one signature song, and the chorus states, “You know how to hold something fragile; You won't let me go when I unravel; You carry the world on your shoulders; But you know how fragile I am; So I'm safe in your hands.” The ballad, “Long Way,” exhorts listeners to trust God that he knows best, even in hard things, because he has been faithful before. The piano song, “Love Me So Well” encourages listeners to soak up God’s love. Layne’s powerful voice and piano skills stand out on this hopeful, thankful record. (Centricity Music)
About the Author
Paul Delger is a long time professional writer and inspirational speaker to young people and lives in Kanawha, Iowa.