Little did we know that within a few weeks, the rise of COVID-19 would force us to revisit this question.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Resonate ministry leaders challenged cohort participants to go for walks in their neighborhoods, check in with neighbors, and experiment with different ways to connect with people.
“I realized through listening that other young people are facing the same problem as me, but also that there is a solution in Christ.”
As a person with a physical disability, I am happy I can work from home right now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the midst of all of this change and societal chaos, the church is standing tall.
For Carol Van Ess-Dykema, the work of World Renew is quite simple: loving the world through more than just words.
It is easy for deacons in my church to feel discouraged about our smallness.
이 모든 변화와 사회적 혼란 가운데에 교회는 굳건히 서 있습니다.
The community that church can provide makes a difference within and without the four walls of a building.
Pastor Joe Groeneveld was at a conference in 2017 when he came across a copy of the just-published The New City Catechism.
Being a Christian and attending church is often seen as shameful and dishonoring your family, friends, and co-workers.
우리 각자의 인생 스토리를 돌이켜 보면, 하나님이 더 큰 계획을 가지고 계심이 명확해집니다.
When Hope CRC members learned about Sara’s desire to reunite with her brother, they agreed with little hesitation to apply for sponsorship.
When we reflect on our life stories, it often becomes clear that God had a bigger plan in mind.
This type of community is central to creating new relationships and thriving in a new country. Like most immigrants today, those in the CRC’s history could not make the transition alone.
The goal is to provide easy-to-watch, concentrated reflections on how to do some of the most basic—but also some of the most important—parts of preaching better.
The CRCNA started as an immigrant congregation, and immigration is still part of our story today.
BTGMI’s ministry leaders came together in a different way during this time of uncertainty.
성경은 모든 일에 동역하는 협력과 권고의 예로 가득합니다.
The grants offer pastors an opportunity to gather for learning, support, prayer, encouragement, and fellowship.
The Bible is replete with examples of partnerships and exhortations to work together in all things.
How do we have meaningful discussions with people who have different opinions than our own?
We are created for deep relationships with one another and with God, to be a blessed community that will bless the nations.
- April 1, 2020| |
The hosts provided stories and interactive games to give attendees an idea of what life is like for the Fulani, a people group that has been particularly affected by ongoing conflict in West Africa.