British Columbia church members learn how to incorporate dance into worship.
Discipling young hockey players away from home is a calling for Canadian pastor Bruce Gritter.
Members of Immanuel CRC in Hamilton interact with the Sunday morning message all week long.
Faith formation and binationality are addressed in report to synod.
IN MEMORIAM: Rev. Stanley Vander Klay
May 12, 1935 – March 4, 2013A large number of Christians don’t know how to pray.
Passover meal is “theology that can be eaten.”
A condo for people with developmental disabilities provides housing and meaningful work.
Covenant CRC in Appleton finds a place for ministry in Room 16.
Bellevue CRC teens fast from food and other distractions during service project.
Reformers say AA has to reclaim its spiritual roots to help addicts find freedom in sobriety.
IN MEMORIAM: Rev. John Medendorp
May 16, 1926 – February 23, 2013West Michigan churches want a classis for congregations that exclude women from holding office.
No one else gets to define who we are.