Rev. Bob Price, Christian Reformed Home Missions’ Black/Urban Ministries team leader, is working to find and develop ethnic leaders in Chicago and across North America
Who owns what?
A poet values her place most for its capacity for silence.
Bert Adema receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for outstanding service to Saskatchewan.
Her Excellency Rosa Elena Bonilla de Lobo attends a dinner for Carpenteros and Friends.
Board acts to support Indonesian Christians under threat of deportation in New Jersey.
“Bullies Beware” helps students report bullying.
Chicago-area woman has been writing to her pen pal in the Netherlands since fourth grade.
New England Chapel says they’ll continue doing relief and recovery work as long as they’re needed.
September meeting features discussion of a new strategic ministry plan for the denomination and more.
Calvin alum Debra Perry and her gospel group, Majestic Praise, have given us Christian music for “grown folks.”
The summer of 1964 is a time of change in Hanging Moss, Miss.
What if we were courageous enough to listen to each other’s views?