Michigan Church Prays After Gang Threatens Neighborhood
Rose Schaefer of Portland won $36,000 on the popular game show.
New Life CRC relocates a donated greenhouse to a remote community.
Capt. Jim Blocker finds common ground with Afghani families.
Eastern Hills Community CRC embarks on a year of Read Your Bible.
Covenant CRC makes community garden accessible to those with physical disabilities.
Twelfth Avenue CRC chooses a cosmic theme for its block party.
Grand Rapids Christian High sets a school record on the way to a Division II championship.
LaGrave Avenue CRC in Grand Rapids holds Thank You Sunday for volunteers.
The first thing that grabs you about Birds of Relocation, independent artist Eric Peters’s seventh solo album, involves the title itself.
Cultivating solitude can be a deeply liberating experience.
Sacred Journey CRC helps people who can’t attend a traditional seminary.