Two Lacombe students and their teacher visit Uganda after participating in a World Vision 30-Hour Famine.
It’s easier for us to judge and instruct than it is to encourage.
Imagine your delight. Imagine God’s.
How God used 92-year-old Alice to save a prisoner
Reader-Submitted Review: Afterwards I Knew by by Christine Farenhorst
Stories from the First and Second World WarsChristine Farenhorst is a gifted story teller and author of several books.
The Revival in Belfast artist helped lead Sunday worship at Immanuel CRC in Hamilton.
Banners made by students at Spirit & Truth Fellowship CRC’s outreach program were displayed around the community.
Dalene DeGraaf helps other women experience the freedom she has found.
But its roots go back more than 50 years in Ontario.
A family bowling night in Prospect Park raises $1,250 for a local food pantry.
Mountain Springs Community CRC decides to “go and be” instead of inviting people to “come and see.”
First Christian Reformed Church of Prinsburg, Minn., celebrated its 125th anniversar
New Westminster CRC in Burnaby has a thriving unofficial campus ministry.
Keith Getty is a Northern Ireland composer best known for pioneering modern hymns.
Victoria, an abused and hate-filled foster child who has lived in 32 homes by the time she is 10 years old, is given one more chance.
Pray as You Go is an audio podcast produced by Jesuit Media Associates in England.
In conjunction with Rev.
Attending a Sustaining Congregational Excellence (SCE) learning event started ministr
Science Behind Climate Change
After reading “Global Warning(s)” by Brian Martin (November 2011), I was left s
Turning to the King who loves us
Hanah Roelfs will travel the world with the People to People program.
For the past four years Rev. Ron Vanden Brink has led the local Remembrance Day service.
The CRC promotes ministry shares.
Princeton CRC and other churches host guests through Family Promise.