The Gettys engaged an audience of more than 500 in an evening of worship at Faith CRC in Elmhurst.
Trunk or Treat is Immanuel CRC’s way of participating in the Ripon community when so many are out for Halloween.
The CRC in Canada is a member of the Evangelical Fellowship and supports the fight to protect religious speech.
The cleanup fits with the campus ministry’s mission and theology.
The complexity of immigration issues hits home for Church of the Cross CRC in Delhi.
Jim Halstead and Bishop Reginald Blackmon have become friends and partners to serve their Fort Wayne community.
Covenant Life CRC in Grand Haven hosted the event to help people plan for the end of their lives.
How do we encourage helping real people in real crises when the world doesn’t seem to care unless CNN reports on it?
It’s wrong to deny ex-offenders the right to vote.
Encouraging Christ-like behavior online/
It’s amazing what we find when we look closely.
A group of Temne people wanted to start a church in their community of Rochen Mara, Sierra Leone.
This small, sturdy magazine for young children is filled with colorfu
When a U.S. Senate seat becomes available, the lives of divergent Chicago leaders converge.
Is your Christian vocation strong enough to stand firm by your neighbor in any circumstance?
Small, seemingly insignificant acts can change the world.
Jan Peter Balkenende was awarded the 2011 Bavinck Prize for outstanding Reformed contribution to the church, academy, or public life.
“Parabolas para Hoy” reaches 5,000 listeners every week in Sioux County and beyond.
Youth pastors and other leaders in Classis Toronto seek better ways to minister alongside young people.
A new church plant in Jenison, Mich., positions itself to be part of the local business community.
Classis Grand Rapids South celebrated ministries and church partnerships instead of holding a regular classis meeting.
Rev. Jul Medenblik officially became the seventh president of the CRC’s seminary Oct. 15.
Fifteen years after women were first allowed to serve as ministers of the Word and sacraments in the Christian Reformed Church, approx
Trick or Treat?
I am writing to express my disappointment with the article concerning Halloween by Robert Evan VandePolde