Christina Mandang, an Indonesian church musician and delegate to the Uniting General Council meeting in June, died after being struck by
After a massive fire tore through a dairy farm owned by the Luymes family in central Alberta, members of four Christian Reformed churches
Faced with a steady stream of people illegally crossing into the state, Arizona legislators passed the so-called “Your papers, plea
On the May holiday weekend, 875 teens and their leaders converged on Sir Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, for four days o
Got a photo of something funny related to Reformed history, culture, or tradition? Send it to The Banner and you might see it in print!
A good teacher must do at least two things: show the student what is not known and make what is known more clear and applicable to life.
I don’t have a boyfriend or a car.
I’m 23. I still live with my parents.
I was not in a praying mood.
One starry night, God took a man named Abraham outside and said to him, “Look up at the stars—can you count them?” The
I knew it was coming.
Demanding Discipleship
Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus?esus had many fans during his earthly ministry. Some were dazzled by his amazing miracles.
The Case for Christian Education
Does the commitment of the past hold up today?Historically, when members of the Christian Reformed Church moved to a new location, they built churches, then schools.
Q I just switched my major from art to biology because my parents tell me I need
Youth-Friendly Churches
Kudos to Rev.
"The body of Christ, given for you,” the elder says quietly, offering the communion bread to Rob.
We all begin as tiny, fragile eggs.
There’s nothing like a lazy sprawl on a reclining deck chair on a sunny August afternoon, a tall glass of lemonade in one hand and
Two youngsters were closely examining bathroom scales on display at the department store.
The heavy prison door slammed behind him. Suddenly the cold, clammy cell triggered feelings that frightened him.
It’s the middle of summer, and chances are the weather outside is HOT.
Ask almost any Christian Reformed person what he or she knows about the Canons of Dort or the Belgic Confession, and you’ll probabl
How to Be Catholic
Helping Calvinists recover from the notion that we’re “the one true church”It was an afternoon in the late 1970s, and I was attending a meeting of the Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churche
"So when are you ‘flock-worthy’?” a friend asked me.
On the next few pages you will find the annual presentation of candidates for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.