Why Christians Should Care About the Environment
As Christians we believe the Earth is a creation of God, a precious gift on which we depend for the necessities of life.
This is an opinion column in which readers share their thoughts about an issue of interest to the church, challenge others, or reflect on something near and dear to their hearts.
As Christians we believe the Earth is a creation of God, a precious gift on which we depend for the necessities of life.
Several issues ago Banner Editor Bob De Moor wrote about his church’s positive encounter with two devout Muslims (“In All
A friend told me about several couples whose babies had a serious genetic condition that results in severe deformity and death.
I am a convert to social justice. For a long time I found it easy to make excuses not to help the poor.
We discussed the Belhar Confession at our regional classis meeting recently.
My initial reaction to the opinion piece in the September issue of The Banner (“Is Separation Always a Sin?”) was that it was
In 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
"The body of Christ, given for you,” the elder says quietly, offering the communion bread to Rob.
A recent Banner article answered a question from a person who received an advance on her inheritance to meet a current need (November 200
In his Banner article “Got Religion?” (January 2010), Rev.
For more than half a century our denomination has maintained a close bond with the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba. As the Februar
When synod encouraged Christian Reformed churches to study the Belhar Confession—in view of the CRC’s potential adoption of i
The findings from the recent survey of Christian Reformed churches and their members (see “Who We Are Today,” p.
On Sunday mornings the community of First Christian Reformed Church, Vancouver, gathers to worship the triune God, Creator and Redeemer o
In the editorial titled “Shoes” (June 2009), the editor of The Banner supports adding the Belhar Confession to the creeds and
At Synod 2009, several delegates said that adopting the Belhar Confession as one of our doctrinal standards will help us face racism, one
While I agree with Rev.
When sending missionaries to another country, Christian Reformed World Missions gives them instructions about that country so their prese
We have a son, Mark, who is gay and was a confessing member of the Christian Reformed Church.
About 25 years ago reports began to surface about physical, emotional, and sexual abuse perpetrated by members and even leaders in the Ch
Teenagers make adults anxious.
Some time ago I asked my oldest son a question that was very hard to ask.
When my three-year-old daughter asked who made the moon, my answer was simple and suited her fine: God did.
I loved Jacob Eppinga’s “Preachers” (Cabbages and Kings, January 2007).