The church is in the business of including people. Our language should reflect that.
Vantage Point
This is an opinion column in which readers share their thoughts about an issue of interest to the church, challenge others, or reflect on something near and dear to their hearts.
Salvation and concern for the poor is all of one piece.
Let’s encourage more women to contribute to denominational decision-making.
Let’s start paying attention to the musicians who guide us into worship
Celebrating a mother’s love and courage.
Should a congregation change its tradition for the sake of one?
A practical proposal for making Sunday worship integral to our weekday life.
Small churches deserve the denomination’s support.
Should everyone who preaches—not just ordained pastors—be allowed to raise their hands while offering God’s blessing?
The moral and ethical dimensions of an agricultural policy.
There’s a vast difference between the factors that led to the creation of the Belhar and those that gave rise to the church’s historic confessions.
Petitions have no place in the church of Christ.
Do we need to adjust our theology to changing scientific findings?
The evolution issue is a microcosm of why the denomination is hemorrhaging college-educated young adults.
It’s wrong to deny ex-offenders the right to vote.
In recent years you’ve run articles about why young adults leave the Christian Reformed Church for nondenominational churches an
A sturdy brick church in my city sports a poster that you probably wouldn’t find in most Christian Reformed churches.
In the past several weeks, issues surrounding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons and the church have been at the f
Responding to “A Call from the CRC’s Young Adults”
The “disconnect” is bigger than you might think.In the June 2011 Banner, Chelsey Munneke summarizes a discussion held by passionate young people, which offers a “diagn
We emphasize the significance of the local church.
Terrorism, unrest in the Middle East, spiking oil prices, and Qur’an burnings.
U.S. Budget Cuts Could Harm Poor
U.S. budget cuts may result in much less help for people who have low incomes.I attended a meeting recently in Washington, D.C., that left me deeply disturbed.
In my humble opinion, our leaders should end their crusade to prod our denomination onto the Global Warming Bandwagon.