Remember Us
On the eve of both the Canadian and U.S.
On the eve of both the Canadian and U.S.
I occasionally hear Christians reflect on how God has “blessed” them throughout their lives.
“In short, the Christian Reformed Church in North America, as we know it, is dying.” Rev. Sam Hamstra Jr.
A few years ago I had the honor of receiving an unusual call from God.
One of the most remarkable encounters in the gospels takes place between Jesus and the Canaanite woman who asks him to heal her demon-pos
I wonder
if you ever missed it,
the woodwork, I mean.
Healing and pronouncing parables
As a child I loved to create things. That’s why I pursued a visual arts degree in college.
Not long ago I attended a conference for Christian 20- and 30-somethings.
In just a short time school will start again. Students, parents, and teachers are busy preparing for a new school year.
Consider this plot synopsis: Mack’s young daughter is kidnapped and murdered. Her body is never found.
Discovering that a relative or friend or church member is involved in an affair shocks us.
A sex-saturated society. That phrase captures the cultural context in which we live today.
The sniping sound-bites of left vs. right. The “I’m always right-You’re always wrong”
I love pigs. I became fascinated with them when I first saw them as a 12-year-old.
A mother of 3-year-old twins believes she has to play with her children most of the day or they won’t grow and develop properly.
Every night around 11:00, I do a “bed check.” I check to see if our kids are too warm or too cold, and that all their limbs a
These pages introduce the 53 people declared by Synod 2008 to be candidates for ministry in the Christian Reformed Church.
While you went about your business today, 30,000 children died of hunger.
Most white folks would say the cemetery at Rehoboth is not a well-kept place.
I remember reading a book that said, “It could be argued that the Spirit lies at the center of Reformed faith.” I wrote in th
I last saw Rev. Edel Ramirez the end of 1998, when I sold him my bicycle before moving from Mexico City to Miami.
Two years ago we brought our 6-year-old daughter to a gleaming version of little girl heaven.
I remember the day Metallica came to church.