Who wants to help a snake? Snakes are icky, weird, and evil, aren’t they?
This column for kids explores nature, science, and God’s amazing, good world.
These types of trees are known as conifers and include trees such as pine trees, firs, spruces, and cedars.
You have probably seen a tree with most of its leaves still on the branches even though its neighbors have dropped their foliage.
Your teeth aren’t just for chewing your food. They also help you form sounds when you speak and make your smile uniquely yours!
The birds who have happily feasted on the surplus of bugs and abundance of space found in the North begin to think about making the long flight back to their wintering grounds.
The earth is filled with hills, valleys, and mountain ranges that are all uniquely different.
When I see daffodils come up I can’t help but think about the coming summer and the promises of God’s cycles.
With less sunlight to feed a tree, its leaves are not really needed any more and fall to the ground. But the leaves’ role does not end there.
Vitamins and minerals are the things our body needs in small amounts. Without them, the body cannot grow and function as it should.
Water has a unique structure. God made it differently.
The tree branches are bare, and the flowers in the garden are gone. But did you know that many plants need this time of cold winter weather to grow and bloom?
What happens to all the animals in winter?
If you take a quick stroll outside, it won’t be long before you come across a seed that will grow into something great.
To me, the most interesting thing about dragonflies is their life cycle. When we think about dragonflies, we might think they are the fighter jets of the insect world. But this is not how we should think of them.
Migration is mysterious and amazing.
Throughout the Bible, stars are often used as a reminder of God’s awesome power shown through his beautiful and awe-inspiring creation.
Take a look at the clever and funny ways these animals stay cool in the summer.
One of the things God designed trees to do is to affect the ground in different ways.
In Spanish, “armadillo” means “little armored one.”
Eagles are mentioned more than 25 times in the Bible.
The sunlight zone is the part of the ocean that is closest to the shore and gets the most sunlight.
A rock perched on a cliff has lots of potential energy, as does a spring that is tightly wound.
Many of us have spent a lot of time at home this year: working from home, learning from home, and just plain staying home.