Did you know that bats live near you?
This column for kids explores nature, science, and God’s amazing, good world.
Do you know any shepherds? No? If you lived in Israel in Bible times, you’d see shepherds and sheep all the time.
Have you ever wondered what eggs have to do with Easter? Or why we hunt for Easter eggs? (Why not painted rocks or marbles instead?)
What are your favorite signs of spring? Robins? Crocuses?
Did you know that the earth is a “closed system”?
This is all about you. It’s about your insides and how well they were designed.
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be in Bethlehem on the first Christmas? Let’s try it.
Take a moment to think of your favorite Thanksgiving food fresh from the oven or steaming from the stove. How does it look?
Have you ever looked closely at broccoli before you ate it? Then you already know this: it’s a plant!
Cake. Ice cream. Candles. Presents. All of these items together in one place can mean only one thing—a birthday!
What’s your favorite summer sight? A rainbow? An orange-pink sunset? Beautiful flowers? Busy bugs? Baby birds?
So it’s summertime, and school’s out. Are you BORED yet?
What are your favorite spring and summer smells? Lilacs? Freshly-cut grass? Rain? Grilled hamburgers?
Every night of your life, something very mysterious happens to you. You lie down, close your eyes, and you FALL ASLEEP.
Maybe you’ve seen a room like this in the movies: it’s deep inside a building, there are lots of dials and gauges, and engine
Creation is full of sounds.
Derek and his sister, Lauren, strolled into All-Mart in search of the perfect Valentine’s cards for their classmates.
Have you ever heard of John Calvin?
Would you like to peek into heaven? On a clear, dark night, go outside and look up.
There are so many ways to say thank you.
Have you fed any elephants lately? Fixed the broken wing of a bird? Given a bat a home or welcomed a wolf?
An eyesore jumble,
a rat’s nest of disorder.
Help!How do you feel about squash?
I think it’s disgusting. It’s mushy, too orange, and it smells funny.
Something’s wrong with our honeybees. Millions of them have disappeared.