It is a mistake to assume that just because a lesson is for young children it can be theologically neutral.
Big Questions
Our panel of contributors replies to questions from readers on topics like these: ethics, relationships, missional living, faith formation, vocation/calling, digital life, church/Bible/doctrine, and stewardship. Got a question you’d like answered?
According to one polyamory website, a polyamorous relationship is “a romantic relationship where the people in the relationship agree that it’s okay for everyone to be open to or have other romantic partners.”
Here are six films, from the very old to the recent, that are worth watching.
On the one hand, some connections are established more easily and quickly now that the smartphone replaced the telephone...
Three or four years ago, I started to notice people beginning their spoken sentences with “so...”
How do I discern between God’s calling and my own—or even other people’s—sinful ambitions?
In terms of orthodoxy in faith and practice, it seems to me that the Christian Reformed Church has more in common with A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians than with the Reformed Church in America.
What does it mean to “give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s”?
We need to discern between right and wrong, good and evil. That is not optional. Neither is holding people accountable for their actions.
It is tempting for a long-married couple to think of sexual (romantic) intimacy in isolation from the rest of the relationship.
Retired Christian Reformed pastor Henry Wildeboer once lamented, “I love the Lord and I love his church. So it grieves me to learn that the Christian Reformed Church declined in membership.
Teaching children with different degrees of Bible knowledge is a challenge for teachers in church education and in day schools.
Ah, for a magic formula into which you could plug your distinctive set of circumstances...
All members of the body of Christ are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit, grow in the fruit of the Spirit, and both receive from and contribute to other members of their communities.
You raise an issue that has been wrenchingly difficult for many in our denomination. We still don’t see eye to eye on it.
Do we need to consider a digital-device detox?
Children this age are exciting but also challenging and tiring.
I’m sure you have encountered the brokenness of relationships, governments, and society. It would easy to throw your hands up and never leave your home.
One possible reason for strained relationships between pastors and churches is the tendency of churches to put their pastors on a pedestal.
People can definitely gamble with their money at the stock market, but that is not what it is intended to do.
Every October our church has a Stewardship Sunday with a sermon about giving money to the church.
With more than 2 billion users worldwide, what could possibly be wrong with Facebook, the free social media service invented to bring us closer to each other?
In this situation your instinct guided you, and I'm very glad you acted on it.
What if I make the wrong career choices?