I struggle with my kids’ constant fighting. How can I stop the competition so our home can find some peace?
Should we connect with a former daughter-in-law for the sake of our grandkids when our son would feel betrayed by our having any connection?
I am concerned that by preserving my marriage I am compromising myself and risking my emotional, mental, and physical health.
It’s clear our college-age children are living with their partners out of wedlock. We know breaking ties is not a good response, but how do we convey our disapproval?
My elderly mother has little interest in discussing details that might help us plan a meaningful funeral service. Any suggestions?
Is it OK to charge my adult children rent as a means of teaching responsibility?
My teen is always coming up with foolish ideas, and we end up arguing endlessly. Any thoughts on how to break the cycle?
Relationships can withstand tremendous amounts of hard truths, but they collapse quickly under the weight of deception.
Our children look to us as their example for how to live. Through us, they discern a model for how to live as broken people in a broken world.
My mom is refusing to follow through with the medical treatment the doctor is recommending. She knows this will likely shorten her life, yet she remains stubborn. How can I get her to see her life’s value to us and especially to her grandkids?
Should I reconsider retirement plans if I am concerned about having too much “together time” with my husband? I love him but am worried we’ll get on each other’s nerves.
How can I tell if I am emotionally healthy?
My husband and I can’t agree on whether we should be cremated or not. Is there any biblical instruction for this?
I was a child of Dutch immigrants in the 1950s, and my adult children are now asking more details about their grandparents, of whom they all have wonderful impressions.
It feels as if the CRC is headed for a denominational divorce over LGBTQ+ concerns. Is a church split inevitable?
There are several layers inherent in your question.
My next-door neighbor and I are both moms in our 30s with kids close in age. I’ve tried to form a friendship with her, but she is not interested even in casually chatting. I am disappointed. What should I do?
What is gaslighting, and how do we respond to people who gaslight us?
My siblings and I can’t seem to agree on end-of-life decisions for our parents, and they do not have a living will. How do we find consensus, if not agreement?
I grew up with the admonition, “If you’re not ready to mate, you’re not ready to date,” meaning don’t date until you’re ready for the long commitment of marriage. How do I convey this principle to my teenagers when their friends have girlfriends?
What do I say to young adults in my family when they say they have left the church because they were hurt by the church?
My father thinks it’s God-ordained, but my mother disagrees. Who is right?
I grew up with constant criticism from my parents. I don’t want to hurt my children like I was hurt, but I can’t seem to stop being critical. Help!
Whom should I marry? Which job should I take? Even though I pray, I don’t know.