Maybe you have heard about a black-and-white movie starring French ac
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
In England during the 1950s, teens Janie and Benjamin must use ancient natural recipes in order to concoct brews that will help them s
One of the best gifts I received this past year was Josh Garrels’s free album Love & W
Midnight in Paris
reviewed by Otto SellesMidnight in Paris is Woody Allen’s love letter to t
Ten-year-old Enaiatollah Akbari and his mother fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan because of threats to sell the boy into slavery.
READ MORE Bret Lott is an author and a Christian.
The Adventures of Tintin
by Steven SpielbergFans need no introduction, but for the sake of the uninitiated, Tintin is the star of the classic Tintin comic book series, p
War Horse
reviewed by Kristy QuistEngland declares war on Germany during World War I, and young Albert’s beloved horse, Joey, is sold into war service.
Billy Jago and his 12-year-old son, Charles, discover a flint stone carved by a magic man in ages past.
The Gift of Devotion
by Kristy QuistLooking for a meaningful gift this year?
The Canadian Christian band The City Harmonic explores themes such as love, dependence on Go
A grandmother in New England and her grandson in Africa are separated by distance, climates, and cultures.
Singer/songwriter Bruce Cockburn has been called a contemporary psalmist because he helps liste
The Muppets
by Josh LarsenThere is no moral to the Muppets, which is what I love about them.
Interview: Dan Hubka of Family Christian Stores
by Kristy QuistDan Hubka is the music buyer for Family Christian Stores.
I have been amazed at the sensitivity of these talks with God, and have been blessed and enriched by them.
reviewed by Kristy QuistFull of loss, wonder, and mystery, Hugo is a visual feast—a feast to be lingered over ra
Enter into the fictional Dutch immigrant community of Poplar Grove.
Thirteen-year-old Isla and her father share a passion for swans that winter on a lake nearby.
Reader-Submitted Review: Afterwards I Knew by by Christine Farenhorst
Stories from the First and Second World WarsChristine Farenhorst is a gifted story teller and author of several books.
Keith Getty is a Northern Ireland composer best known for pioneering modern hymns.
Victoria, an abused and hate-filled foster child who has lived in 32 homes by the time she is 10 years old, is given one more chance.
Pray as You Go is an audio podcast produced by Jesuit Media Associates in England.