Andy Crouch challenges churches in Hamilton, Ontario, to work for the common good.
Fourteenth Street CRC is recognized for its STEP tutoring program.
Bringing local pastors to lead chapel ties school, church, and home for students.
Bethel CRC in Lacombe serves free meals every week to show God’s love in the community.
Cold and ice did not deter hundreds of attendees.
Cyclist Sharon Davis-Payton is happy to see funds at work in her own backyard.
Churches gather at Maranatha CRC in Holland, Mich., to talk about ministry in modular home communities.
The unlikely venue for a Christmas party is part of a year-round ministry to female inmates.
Amber Warners is named Coach of the Year by the American Volleyball Coaches Association.
Grace CRC in Cobourg has turned its sanctuary 180 degrees.
Community foundation recognizes Connie Nourse for exceptional work in Longmont.