Christian Reformed Home Missions is committed to helping Christian Reformed churches, ministries, and members follow Christ and reconcile
Dear Reader
Putting First Things FirstWelcome to my corner. It’s not really my corner.
My wife just observed another wedding anniversary. So did I. Where have all the years gone?
Tov shem mishemen tov. Go ahead, try that on your tongue. It’s a clever play on words.
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THERE'S A CHURCH BUILDING in our county that’s beautiful in its simplicity.
Heard a cute (unpublished) story lately? Run across a church bulletin blooper or holy faux pas?
Who We Are?
An Armchair Tour of the CRCIf you think the Christian Reformed Church is mostly made up of people just like you, think again.
Last week a colleague walked into one of our offices and asked, “Just how important is reading the Bible?” The response: &ldq
Had the Title of this article been coined 3,000 years ago, I’ll bet the biblical prophets would have been tempted to use it.
One of my great joys of the Advent season is to bring up my large box of Christmas decorations from the basement.
Choosing a Church
A few things to keep in mindWhen I was a child, you could tell where people lived by the churches they went to: everyone went to the church that was closest to them.
No one knows why things went so wrong.
Some time ago a friend at work handed me a promotional copy of a book that had arrived in our office mail.